Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book week

last Friday we were supposed to have our Gala Day but it was raining. In a 2 weeks we have camp. I am so excited. Mr Armstrong says they have really nice cabins. He also said that there will be around 20 people in a cabin. This Wedensday we have book week me, Maddy, Tess and Riley are all going as different fairies. There will be a prize for the best dress up in each grade.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For the last two weeks of school we have been having Gala Day practice for our Gala day coming up. I chose Softball. I love to practice softball ecpecially because my friends are doing it as well. I also can't wait until camp. We will be having our camp at Emu Gully. I am so excited, the more Mr Armstrong tells us about it the more I want to go. Our camp goes for 3 days (8th, 9th and 10th of September). When I come back from camp on the
10th I have to leave straight away to Darwin for a week. I will take photos and update them onto my blog.