Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It is now the last term of school and the Christmas concert is next week I can't wait! Last week we had a little farewell party for the year 7 teacher Mrs Fletcher because she was going into an Operation which she had yesterday. It was very fun and we had a little afternoon tea. We had just voted for our School Captain, Sports captain and music captain last week and then we did another one just this morning because the votes for some people were really close. I don't really want the school year to end but at the same time I do because I will be in grade 7!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book week

last Friday we were supposed to have our Gala Day but it was raining. In a 2 weeks we have camp. I am so excited. Mr Armstrong says they have really nice cabins. He also said that there will be around 20 people in a cabin. This Wedensday we have book week me, Maddy, Tess and Riley are all going as different fairies. There will be a prize for the best dress up in each grade.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For the last two weeks of school we have been having Gala Day practice for our Gala day coming up. I chose Softball. I love to practice softball ecpecially because my friends are doing it as well. I also can't wait until camp. We will be having our camp at Emu Gully. I am so excited, the more Mr Armstrong tells us about it the more I want to go. Our camp goes for 3 days (8th, 9th and 10th of September). When I come back from camp on the
10th I have to leave straight away to Darwin for a week. I will take photos and update them onto my blog.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Athletics carnival

Last week was the Athletics carnival. The first race up was the 200m which was very nerve racking. When the race started I was really scared and I kept looking around to look what I was coming and at everyone else. because I did that I slowed down but at least I still came 4th which was pretty good. After that I went up to my dad and he said to look straight the whole time and not to look around. So with my next race which was the 100m I looked start the whole time and came 2nd:) I was so happy with myself and that my dad's advice really worked:) I also got into the long jump and shot put. Shot put was first up I did my best but wasn't as good as the other girls cause I came 5th. With the long jump I came 4th but it was pretty hard cause we had to jump off a line and not the white, green and yellow mat. After we had tug of war with the year 6's O'Shea and Steele and it was Makillop vs O'Shea and Makillop won. Then Steele vs O'Shea and Steele won but when it was Makillop vs Steele, Steele won and we lost. But I still had a great day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

This week we have been learning about area and perimeter. It is very easy but some are a bit hard mainly the composite shapes. Two weeks ago Me and Maddy found out we did not get into the talent show:( Which was a bit disappointing for us. In art we have been designing our hats. Two weeks ago we were given a picture of a teacher to put our hats on. My hat was a black hat titled top the side with peacock feathers coming out of the top. Now it has all been changed and is a gorgeous red hat with red netting over the face and a red necklace. my hat was designed on sister Jenny. I think my hat looks really good especially on sister Jenny. Last week and this week we have been doing our shot put, long jump and high jump in preparation for our Athletics carnival this Friday and i can't wait:)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

For a few weeks me and my best friend Maddy have been practicing for the talent show. It's been pretty tough but fun. We are pretty scared because audition's are in 1 week. Last Friday we had our Gala day. I played 2 games. On the first game I played WD first half then swapped over with Chloe. On the second game I played GA then swapped over with Ellie.
This term we have been learning about our family history. We are making a story board and going to put on a program on the computer called 2 create a super story. I think it is pretty fun but it took me a while to get it all right. Today we are going to see a man called 'The wild man' he is going to teach us about animals.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

For the past 8 weeks at school we have been doing lots of maths which is kinda cool but it is also hard. We have been doing long division which I really enjoy. We have also been training for gala day which is so awesome and our gala day for netball is on Friday. And I can't wait. Last week I went to district trials for netball and i was so close to getting in but i didn't.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

about school

These first few weeks of school have been a bit tough but very fun. We have also been attending swimming lesons for a week and a half. we have been practicing netball for gala days which has been so fun. The best part about practicing for netball is that we can play a game of netball.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

grade 6

This year i am in year 6 my teacher is Mr Armstrong. Mr Armstrong is a very awesome and nice teacher and i really like him. This year I am looking forward to all the hard work. My best friends are Tess, Maddy and Eloise. But this year only Tess and Maddy are in my class and Eloise is in the other class with Mrs Bell. I am looking forward to our swimming carnival next Wednesday. I also can't wait till gala day when i get to play netball and i am glad that all my friends have also chosen to do netball.